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Do you have your own external gesture when performing on the piano?

Have you ever heard about musical gesture? In case you missed my previous article which talks about this, here I share the new article about gestures recently published at WKMT.

In my previous article, I explained what musical gesture means and what my new project is about. Basically, as a summary, I try to demonstrate how we ca compose music being inspired by movements and gestures happening around you. How just a gesture is converted into notes.

And related to that, I share the new article posted at WKMT blog written by my colleague Mark Dowling, a piano teacher in the studio. In this case, he talks about the meaning of gesture as a consequence of the music or piano performance. The contrary of what I am working on. He also describes different types of gestures and how we can create more gestures during our performances throughout our temperament or character.

Do not miss the chance to read it fully in the link aforementioned and go to related articles where you will find mine too.

body gesture wkmt

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