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Piano accompaniment with chords
I wrote some helpful tips to get the best way to the left hand to reinforce the harmony, as well as an easy way to create a chord progressio

Teaching tip on sight-reading
Sight-reading, that practice we all, as piano students, went through and struggle for. But at the same time, such an important skill to have

The riddle of phrase deviations
Maestro Juan Jose Rezzuto delivers a superb article about phrase deviations and its differences with interpolation and expasions

Music Analysis Resource for Composers
As a composer, I need to dig into a piece's details very deeply so I understand the means used by the author. That is how we collect our

Visualization supports mental practice
Mental practice is defined as the cognitive (thinking) rehearsal of a physical skill without movement. The most effective way of mental prac

Thank you Sabrina!
We all thankfully happy for all the efforts WKMT has made in the last edition of its Music Festivals. And not only in the last edition, but

Piano Sonata analysis: Hybrids
I find this book extremely useful. It takes a ot of effort of runnign through the 756 pages that build it up but it worths every second of y

The Period - Main Themes - Sonata Analysis
On WKMT website you can find the article written by me, analysing one in particular called The Period- eight measures long one type of theme

Getting used to the evolution of music market
The music industry and market. If we just think how it was only fifteen years ago (CDs, DVDs, Discman, Music shops...) and how it is now, it

My piano educational pride
If you feel like to start the piano, do not hesitate to do it with us, WKMT. The first piano studio in London introducing its own piano meth
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