Learning music with a professional studio in London
WKMT Music Festival Edition IX - November 2019
Music tuition is such a challenge. It is not only for the teachers, but also for a studio who needs to set-up the proper pillars of its institution. Also, from the students' end, we know that find out what music tuition means and the best choices for studios in London, are not easy tasks.
The world of music is wide, and even more in London, so knowing where to go and start from should be the first steps for any student, either beginner, intermediate or advanced levels.
In case you have tried and browse music studios in London, I am sure you would have seen plenty of them. But what are the best options? The most reliable studio in which you could start your musical training with all inclusive? Those are the points I would like to target with this new post. While giving some light to those doubting of what studio to choose.
First of all, I wouldn't like to make you choose WKMT just because I am part of it, but what I would like from this post is that this makes you aware of the main points you will need to check at when comparing different music studio options in London.
The article I am referring to, is written by Juan Rezzuto, WKMT Director, a piano instructor in London since 2010, so for more than ten years, he has seen several students of different levels, ages and backgrounds. As well as experiencing in first person the progress of all of them along the time studying under his guidance. Typical situations, main difficulties when learning the technique, expectations and goals, and usual achievements time-wise.
In that artcile he mentions different aspects that, as per his experience, any music studio in London should offer and provide the students with.
- Venues: Well, while in London, Home tuition lessons are a must, he really thinks that is not the proper approach for any musical learning. Why we go to the school, and we don't do home tutoring? That is the question we should ask. We believe that sending the children to an institution with all ready and display where to have the lessons is needed to boost the concentration and create a frame for the learning. When we are at home, we are relaxed, confident and in our own environment. That is not the perfect idea for learning any subject. We need to feel active, awaken, and fully ready to any circunstance.
The learning process is not made in our comfort zone. So that is a point. Choose music studios with venues in London to go and study from them. They will have all needed for your lessons.
Juan's experience shows that 80% of the students at home, don't last month than two years studying the instrument. At some point, they change to another activity.
- Piano technique: Very important fact to have in mind. Does your teacher use any piano technique? Are you learning piano with a proper technique? At the beginning you won't realise what this means, but the reality is that learning a technique from the beginning will help you progress much faster and more efficiently than a student not learning any technique.
The gestures, movements, position, precission or weight are some of the main points that a proper technique will help you with.
- Syllabus: Ask your teacher for a programme with a syllabus to follow during your learning time. Goals are needed when learning an instrument, as well as having the proper information of what you need to work in in order to reach your goals.
Order, frame and concrete goals are needed for music learning.
- Events or activities: Yes, if you could find a studio that provides you with concerts, festivals, masterclasses and/or any other music activity, that is a good starting point.
Like playing football or any other subject, at some point you will need to attend any football match, or art gallery, as well as play the match yourself, expose your pieces in a gallery or making an exam in front of an audience. We will need to expose and show what we learnt in order to close a chapter and keep on studying and learning other pieces.
For that reason, we really think that musical events will complete the learning cycle for any music student. So a music studio which don't provide you with any kind of activity, next!
I won't bother you with more details. Click on the link aforementioned and access to the full article by my colleague. Hoping this helps you out find the proper studio in London, and if for any reason, you choose WKMT, even better.