My new Composition Project

Have you ever thought that existed any relationship between Ancient Greece and Composition? Did you know that Aristotle was closer to music than what we thought?
That is exactly what my new composition project talks about. The ideas and concepts of the philosophy linked to the music composition. This new project will be split in three different articles. In this, my first article of this series, I talk about Aristotle and his thoughts related to the music and composition, to be more exact.
As a composer, I love to create from the point of view of the indiviaul analysis. I analyse every single part of every composition to fully understand it. That's why, I created these three writings in which I analyse the music composition throughout the ideas of three great historic characters.
It is quite interesting to knowing that the ideas or thoughts could be interpretated and connected to the composition of every musical work. How some concepts and ideas from famous philosophers and writers could explain the main composition of a single musical piece. And that is what I meant to analyse with these series for WKMT Music Education Blog.
First of all, how Aristotle's concepts such as imitation, sensible or just art could easily explain the form of any piano sonata.
I humbly invite you all to check this first part of three, and getting to know a bit more about music composition from the philosophical point of view.
Ps. Do not miss my next two articles linked which will be about the ideas of Edgar Allan Poe and Stravinsky respectively.